Monday, 27 September 2010

Weekend of 'must haves'

I don't know whether these things have been cravings, but things I've 'needed' over the weekend have included:
* Apple Juice (well the actual craving was cider, but I had to think outside the box)
* Mars Bar
* Yaki Soba from Wagamamas

Mr H was my hero and not only supplied me with Apple Juice when we were walking around the shops on Saturday, but also drove me 20 miles to our nearest Wagamamas for dinner in the evening - what a legend!

Things aren't that enjoyable for me at the moment. I seem to be feeling sick pretty much all the time. I'm still managing to eat, but I think I could quite happily go without food. I had to do the Tesco shop yesterday, and I spent the whole trip with that horrible pre-sick watery mouth thing going on. Its meaning that I'm feeling like I could spend whole days in bed and the thought of exercise feels like quite a chore. That said though, I do enjoy exercise once I get started.

This week I've got quite a bit going on, tomorrow and Wednesday I'm at a work team event, I've got physio on Thursday, I've got the day off on Friday to go to a friends wedding and its my brothers Birthday party on Saturday night. As a result of all of this (and my eating of crap last week) I need to watch what I'm eating this week. I need to have a clean food week!

That means its time for a food diary. I spent last night preparing my food for today, so here is the run down:

Breakfast: 200ml Skimmed Milk Protein Shake, Steel Cut Oats (done overnight) with 1 tsp G&B Cocoa Powder, 1 tsp dessicated coconut, 2 tsp sweetener and a splash of milk.

Mid Morning: Banana

Lunch: Vegetable Crudities (Celery, Cucumber, Carrot), 1 Tomato, a boiled egg, some cheese, 2 chipolatas, chilli houmous - I cannot wait for lunchtime.

Mid Afternoon: Melon, Orange and Strawberry Medley

Dinner: Either Salmon, Pork Chops or Steak with Veggies. (need to see what goes out of date first).

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