Sunday, 17 June 2012

Clean & Green Day 6

Breakfast: protein shake

Snack: 4 macadamia nuts

Lunch: roast beef, yorkshire pud (just 1), broccoli, runner beans, carrots, roast potatoes (2) & a flat apple bake thing (like a tray bake version of an apple pie) with a dollop of double cream.

Dinner: chilli con carne with 1/4 avocado, spinach and pea shoots.

Water: 2 litres

Fruit & Veg: broccoli, runner beams, carrots, spinach, avocado. 5/5

Exercise: just dog walking/trike pushing today - 30 minutes.

Tomorrow I'll have my support crew (well hubs) back, so hope to get some exercise in.

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