Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Results - Part One

I haven't yet taken my monthly photos because the 1st June fell today, which is a Tuesday. What with being up for work early, I figured I'd do that tonight. However, I did manage to get my measurements in.

All measurements compared to 01/05/2010

Weight - 128.5lbs - down 1.5 lbs
BMI - 21.38 - down 0.25 pts
Lean Body Mass % - increased from 74.30% to 74.44%
Body Fat % - decreased from 25.70% to 25.56%
Bust - down 1" to 33"
Underbust - STS at 27"
Waist (narrowest point) - down 0.5" to 24.5"
Waist (navel point) - down 1" to 25"
Hips (over bone) - STS at 34"
Hips (widest point) - STS at 37"
Thigh (thumbs down) - down 0.5" to 20.5"
Thigh (widest point) - down 1 "to 22"
Calves (widest point) - down 0.3" to 13.2"
Bicep: down 0.5" to 10.5"
Wrist: STS at 5.5"

Total Loss = 4.8"

I exercised 17 days out of 31, which isn't amazing but its still at least every other day. Bearing in mind I had a holiday, I'm pleased with this.

There are a few things to note before I post progress pictures. This month I have seen the first reduction in my bicep size and in my thighs. Not only does the tape measure confirm this, but I can feel it too. My legs noticeably feel less wobbly when I touch them, there is some uber muscle just under the surface screaming to get out. With regards to my arms, for the first time in a very long time I went out at the weekend without a cardigan on and I didn't feel self concious - that scream's progress!

I'm going to hit June as hard as I hit April, I can feel that I'm getting close to that point where I might be (dare I say) happy.

1 comment:

  1. ohhh great results and great post! well done - you've worked hard for this! x
