Monday, 26 April 2010

New Goals

It's Monday and therefore time to set some new weekly goals.

1. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.
2. Exercise at least 5 times.
3. Run at least 15 miles.
4. Continue with the extra exercises outlined last week.
5. Try to eat at least 1/2 of every meal (excluding breakfast) salad/fruit/veggies.
6. Prepare my work lunches the night before.
7. Dust off my bike and go out for a ride.
8. Hold my abs in a bit more in day to day life!

Food for today:

Breakfast: 200ml Skimmed Milk Protein Shake, 30g Jumbo Oats, 150ml Skimmed Milk, 1 tsp Cadbury Cocoa Powder, 2 tsp Sweetener.

Mid Morning: Bounce Premium Protein Ball (209 Calories)

Lunch: Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumber, Cous Cous, Ham

Mid Afternoon: Banana, Strawberries

Dinner: Steak, Sweet Potato, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Courgette, Red Pepper

Will be off at the gym at lunchtime for a cardio/weights session.

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